
Our Values

Emampondweni’s value system is embodied in its organisational culture and practices which promote professional ethics and integrity of operations. In practice, this means employers and candidates alike receive respectful and timely communication while maintaining client and candidate confidence in our ability to efficiently discharge our role.

We are driven by the following values:

  • COMMITMENT:  We develop relationships that make a positive difference
  • QUALITY:  We are comprised of professional and experienced recruiters
  • INTEGRITY:  We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all of our actions
  • TEAMWORK:  We work together, across boundaries, to meet the needs of our clients and to help the company identify top talent
  • RESPECT FOR PEOPLE:  We value people, encourage development and recognize team performance.
  • COMMUNICATION:  We communicate available opportunities and manage the hiring process in an efficient manner
  • A WILL TO WIN:  We exhibit a strong will to win in the marketplace by utilising innovative recruitment initiatives and selling the client brand
  • Personal Accountability: We are personally accountable for delivering on our commitments